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  • "Marta de Menezes is a Portuguese artist (b. Lisbon, 1975) with a degree in Fine Arts by the University in Lisbon, a MSt in History of Art and Visual Culture by the University of Oxford, and a PhD candidate at the University of Leiden. She has
  • Whether they are dynamic or static; sculptures by Henrik Menné are basically about process, balance and about organizing matter through both rigid systems and chance. The major part of Mennés production consists of large-scale machines or
  • Biological theories, mathematical principles, and technology are founding elements in his work. He straddles the boundaries between video art, performance,, music, and painting. An amalgam of nuances from a world ruled by data overload.
  • Seiko Mikami passed away of cancer in January 2015. She was an interactive media artist that has been working in the realms of information systems and human sensing. Showing large-scale installations since the 80's she used sound, robotics and
  • SM Lives in São Paulo as a New Media Artist and Researcher employing computer-based technologies and moving-image associated to architectural constructions in the production of art. Michelin investigates the production of social space through
  • Manfred Mohr *1938 in Pforzheim, Deutschland, wo er an der Kunst- und Werkschule studierte. Arbeitete von 1963-83 in Paris (F), wo er 1965 Lithografie an der Ecole des Beaux Arts studierte. Erste Einzelausstellung 1968 in der Daniel Templon Gallery,
  • Bonnie Mitchell is a Professor at Bowling Green State University in Digital Arts, in Ohio, USA. Her creative scholarship includes electronic interactive installation, experimental animation, environmental data visualization, net-art and
  • Wolfgang Muench is a media artist and art educator. He studied Fine Arts in a pre-computer era at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Germany, and the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria. In 1996, he joined the ZKM Centre for Art
  • Lila Moore is an artist film-maker, screen choreographer, networked performance and mixed reality creator with expertise in screen-dance and Technoetic Arts. She holds a practice-based PhD in Dance on Screen from Middlesex University (2001, UK) in
  • Born in Brunswick, Germany, in 1951. Studied economics and communications at University of Hannover and University of Göttingen, 1973-79. Artist and publisher. Editor of European Photography magazine, Göttingen and Berlin, since 1980. 1985-94