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  • ...I am a multimedia artist, using smart textiles in a digital...
  • ... and Sound Artist with an international... Nigel is a co-founder and commissioner of the...
  • ... musician, video artist and electronic engineer.... von Bingen in Der Alte Misuk Tage at the...
  • ...Sound sculptor and media artist Timo Kahlen (*1966) chooses... (Stiftung Kulturwerk der VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020),...
  • ... perfomer and artist.
  • ... how to be an artist after the advent of a... and understanding of this...
  • photography-film-coffee-neural networks-quantum physics-string theory-astrophysics-art-books-dogs
  • ...Programmer and artist from Cologne, Germany. Studied art and...
  • ...She ist an artist and digital systems and media researcher....
  • ...Artist: Anne-Sarah Le MeurComment: