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  • ... board of ISEA International, formerly the International Society for...
  • ... developed, a social media software and... holds a PhD in Computing, Information Technology and Engineering...
  • ... arts advances expanded forms of literacy around digital...
  • Gavin Baily Gavin studied at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art (1990-93), and Computer Science at University College London (1996). His work with digital media has focused on developing conjunctions of software-based visualisation and the
  • ... out a development and transformation of accompanied cyber-cultural...
  • Laura Netz (Barcelona, 1982). Curator, artist, and researcher. Currently, she is an MPhil student at CRiSAP – UAL, where studies the new tendencies in curatorial practices in sonic arts. In 2006, she graduated in Art History (University of
  • ... my work extends into various forms such as video, sound,...
  • ... "Generación Automática de Formas Plásticas", which was held in the...
  • ... smart textiles in a digital format, using photography, film and 3D...
  • ... for use in video art performance and installation work. I also...