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  • Dr Fahrudin Nuno Salihbegovic is a theatre director, visual/sonic artist, interaction designer, and lecturer, specialising in multimedia theatre and interactive digital arts. His work, including theatre productions, digital scenographies, and
  • After highschool and community service in an institution for the mentally ill he went to Marburg to study art, music and media at Phillips Universität. One year later he changed to the Städelschule in Frankfurt in order to study film with Peter
  • Peter Flemming Curriculum vitae, March 2010 all locations Canada, unless otherwise mentioned Artist statement I see what I make as the electromechanical equivalents of short stories. Instead of
  • Robert Hodgin (b. 1972, USA) established as an online archive for his projects in Flash, Processing and C++. He was a founding partner of the Barbarian Group. He has received numerous awards for his work and lectures internationally.
  • Masaki Fujihata is one of the pioneers of Japanese new media art, beginning his career working in video and digital imaging in the early 80s. As an early practitioner of the application of new technologies to the process of artmaking, he was one of
  • //////////fur//// develops art entertainment interfaces for multidimensional multiuser involvement: software-programs in mechatronic artefacts that create dynamic action-spaces for two or more participants. //////////fur////'s guiding idea is the
  • Professor Eleanor Gates-Stuart’s professional practice extends a variety of experience, particularly in research and teaching leadership, relating to the sciences, technology, communication and arts, working in partnership with major research
  • Tamsyn Gilbert is a PhD candidate at The New School for Social Research and cofounder of New Criticals. Tamsyn has a Masters in Media Studies and Sociology and is currently working on her dissertation. She has worked in various roles at The Museum
  • JoAnn (Jody) Gillerman, co-founder of Viper Vertex Interactive is a California-based media artist, videographer and educator producing interactive multimedia exhibits, installations, CD-ROMs, internet Web sites, and video. Ms. Gillerman is professor
  • Currently the Director of Dundee Contemporary Arts, Scotland’s largest contemporary arts and media centre, I lead a large staff team and a critically acclaimed programme of contemporary art, cinema, research and production & education activity.