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  • ... experiments based on the internet and the emergence of... She is currently collaborating with French artist...
  • ... a cold, torpid form from the past, a convention of...
  • ... concerned with exploring the nature of power and...
  • ...My particular expertise in the history of computer and digital art...
  • ...Seigo Matsuoka is Director of the Editorial Engineering Laboratory.... Editorial Engineering Laboratory. Born in Kyoto in...
  • ... Found in public places, these electroacoustic sculptures...
  • ... objects (building on the technique known as video...
  • ... social relationships in the midst of surveillance,... New Frontier Story Lab Fellow, 2020 Eyebeam Rapid...
  • ... and co-director of the Centre for Electronic Media... to explore new collaborative relationships between...
  • ... and mark-making. The tactics of living are in...