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  • Djehan Kidd is a Mediated Reality artist behind, among others, hangars liquides VR, the largest and longest running virtual futurist dystopian VR city on the metaverse, since 2007. Augmented Reality works selected for the the 55th Venice Biennale....
  • Artist: Disembodied ArtsComment:
  • Dinka Pignon is an interdisciplinary media artist working with spatial video installation and performance art. Her experimental practice is characterized by a strong affinity for the phenomenal, liminal, conceptual and minimal. Her work is situated...
  • Artist: Diego MelladoComment:
  • Diego Caglioni investigates descriptive borders, anthropological meanings, aesthetical possibilities of the web and of AIs compared with artistic creativity, focusing his interest on video, installations and photography as main characters of his...
  • Prof. Dr. Diana Domingues is the founder and the Director of LART (Art and TechnoScience Research Laboratory, Brazil). She is a CNPq researcher PQ1 A at the National Research Board, Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation, She actuates as a...
  • Diaa Ahmed Mohamed Ahmedien is a lecturer in sciences of visual arts and sciences of New-Media Arts. He is an artist, educator, researcher, and creator to setup systems of artworks, basically depending on the intersection between art, sciences, and...
  • Dennis Del Favero is an Australian artist and professorial fellow. He has been awarded numerous Artist-in-Residencies and Fellowships, including an Artist-in-Residence at Neue Galerie Graz and an Australian Research Council Australian Professorial...
  • Masi studied at Seton Hall University, N.J. USA, Brera Academy of Fine Art, Milan, Italy, PG Studies at Slade School of Fine Art and Chelsea School of Art, London, UK. Denis Masi is an experimental artist who has worked, for 40 plus years, across a...
  • Dejan Grba's research in new media art combines mutually inspired artistic and theoretical work. In art projects, he explores the creative, technical and relational aspects of generative systems by defining new ways to interrelate the material and...