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  • Oil, conceptual and video artist. Zhang Peili is a pioneer of Chinese video art and one of its most acclaimed practitioners.
  • Artist: Penesta DikaComment:
  • Perry Hoberman is an installation and media artist who works with a wide variety of materials and technologies, ranging from the utterly obsolete to the state-of-the-art, from low-tech to high-tech and nearly everything in between. His work has...
  • Peter Beyls thinks of the universe as one giant generative system revealing systemic behavior on numerous levels: from the unpredictable dynamics exposed in social structures to emergent functionality in the human brain to molecular interaction in...
  • Peter grew up around the world, studied math, and liked to build things. Using math to make pictures led him to computers, which led to trying to “get the darn things to generate pretty images easily”. Still striving for that goal, with a day job at...
  • Artist: Peter ChamberlainComment:
  • Peter d'Agostino is an artist who has been working in video and new media for three decades. His pioneering projects have been exhibited internationally in the form of installations, performances, telecommunications events, and broadcast productions....
  • Peter Flemming
    Curriculum vitae, March 2010
    all locations Canada, unless otherwise mentioned
    Artist statement
    I see what I make as the electromechanical
    equivalents of short stories. Instead of...
  • Peter Hagdahl is an artist and professor. He make use of sculptural tradition and spatial configurations exploring the new realities of the information technology. He became the first professor of New Media Art at the Royal University College of Fine...
  • Peter Kogler born 1959 in Innsbruck, lives and works in Vienna. Studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Professorship at the State University of Fine Arts – Städelschule in Frankfurt/Main, at the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Le Mans, at...