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  • ... e Psicologia della Forma at the Florence Academy of Fine Arts. As an artist he has exhibited in museums, festivals and...
  • ...BA in Art History and MA in Arts and Communication, is carrying out his artistic activity by continuously crossing the thin line between...
  • ...Roberto Lopez-Gulliver is a Mexican Media artist and researcher. Received his BSc degree in Mathematics form the Autonomous University of...
  • ... such as robotics, computerized surveillance or telematic networks. Inspired by phantasmagoria, carnival and animatronics, his... from Concordia University in Montréal, Canada. Electronic artist, develops interactive installations that are at the intersection...
  • ... and has lectured worldwide. He's one of the founders of Mag.Net (Electronic Cultural Publishers organization). He also served as an... Alessandro Ludovico is an artist, media critic and editor in chief of Neural magazine since 1993. He has published and edited several books, and...
  • ... and in particular the evolution of film in the digital or networked age, has been a core theme of her works. Characteristic... who works outside the frame. The "moving" image, and in particular the evolution of film in the digital or networked age,...
  • ...John Maeda is an artist, graphic designer, computer scientist, university professor and author. He is world-renowned for his work with web-based...
  • MACHFELD (Sabine Maier | Michael Mastrototaro) Sabine Maier Sabine Maier ist „Photo & Medienkünstlerin“, die nicht nur mit den Medien arbeitet, sondern an den Medien. Seit 1999 ist sie freischaffende Foto- & Medienkünstlerin, die nicht nur mit,
  • ... that exploits the beliefs of the masses. Hers is an art of excess, going beyond the boundaries of legitimized narrative,...
  • ... new media artist, developer and designer of digital and hybrid net based art projects since 1995. Musician, composer and developer of... Brian Mackern (Uruguay) is a new media artist, developer and designer of digital and hybrid net based art projects since 1995. Musician,...