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  • ... artistic, scientific and theoretic methods, examining the... and based in Brussels, LAb[au] mainly creates...
  • ... known for popularizing the term virtual reality (VR). A... as an advisor to Linden Lab on their virtual world...
  • ...Mirko Lazović graduated at the University of Arts in Belgrade and...
  • ... (then Visiting Fellow at the IBM UK Scientific Centre) to...
  • ... distortions which have the effect of confusing visual...
  • ... an M.F.A. and Ph.D. in theatre from the Ohio State... at Sun Microsystems Labs in Menlo Park, California....
  • ...Joan Leandre is a member of the Observatory Archives... his activity between the laboratory (
  • ... how we see ourselves and the world around us. He is...
  • ... and projects since the early 1990's. He is best...
  • ... artist duo since 2005. They have held numerous...