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  • ... 1953, Milan, Italy) He studied at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milan, and he took some University courses in electronic and...
  • ...Peter Hagdahl is an artist and professor. He make use of sculptural tradition and spatial configurations exploring the new realities of the...
  • ...Marikki Hakola is a media artist, director, producer, reseacher. Hakola studied at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki in 1980-1984,... collections of several international art museums and archives. Installations by Hakola have been presented widely at domestic and...
  • ...Hamilton Mestizo work primarily explores the interfaces of arts, science and technology and their critical, ecological, and social-political...
  • ... were awarded the Ars Electronica Golden Nica for Interactive Art for Listening Post in 2004, as well as a Webby Award in 2003....
  • ... elements of computer science, statistics, anthropology, visual art and storytelling. His projects range from building the world’s...
  • ... together with her practice of yoga, strongly informs her artistic practice. (source:...
  • ...Agnes Hegedüs, born in Budapest in 1964 studied Photography and Video Art at the Budapest Academy of Applied Arts, followed by the Minerva... the early 1990s, Agnes Hegedüs has been developing interactive installations which, often through the deployment of game structures or...
  • ...shman Leeson (b. in 1941 in Cleveland, Ohio) is an award-winning American artist and filmmaker. She was Professor Emeritus at the University of...
  • ...Scott Hessels is an American filmmaker, sculptor and media artist based in Hong Kong. His artworks span different media including film, video,... His films have shown internationally and his new media installations have been presented in museum exhibitions focusing on...