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  • ... Hakola studied at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts...
  • ... Interactive Film Art at the RCA Film and TV Department,...
  • ...ton Mestizo work primarily explores the interfaces of arts, science...
  • ... has worked in the analog and digital media arts...
  • ...nsen is Professor of Statistics and the Vice-Chair for Graduate... UC Berkeley. He and collaborator Ben Rubin were awarded...
  • ... and to each other. These combine elements of... and iGoogle. Kamvar collaborates with Jonathan Harris on...
  • ... a master's degree from the Royal College of Art and a...
  • ...ood started out as an artist during the 1980s. He was involved with...
  • ...Sue Hawksley graduated from the Royal Ballet School in 1983. She has... solo works and collaborations with visual-artists...
  • ... and Video Art at the Budapest Academy of Applied...