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  • Sue Hawksley graduated from the Royal Ballet School in 1983. She has performed with Mantis, Scottish Ballet Steps-Out, Rambert Dance Company and Philippe Genty, working with choreographers such as Trisha Brown, Merce Cunningham, Richard Alston,
  • Agnes Hegedüs, born in Budapest in 1964 studied Photography and Video Art at the Budapest Academy of Applied Arts, followed by the Minerva Academy, Groningen, the Kunstakademie Enschede and the Institute of New Media, Städelschule, Frankfurt/Main.
  • Lynn Hershman Leeson (b. in 1941 in Cleveland, Ohio) is an award-winning American artist and filmmaker. She was Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Davis, and an A.D. White Professor-at-Large at Cornell University. She is Chair of
  • Scott Hessels is an American filmmaker, sculptor and media artist based in Hong Kong. His artworks span different media including film, video, online, music, broadcast, print, kinetic sculpture, and performance. His films have shown internationally
  • ... and consciousness offer resonant philosophical and poetic insights, as he explores...
  • Paul Hertz is an independent artist, printmaker, and curator who works with algorithmic processes. From 1971 to 1983, he lived and worked in Spain, where he collaborated with actors and musicians. He earned a BA in Fine Arts from Brown University
  • Tad Hirsch is a researcher and PhD candidate in the Smart Cities Group at MIT's Media Lab, where his work focuses on the intersections between art, activism, and technology. He has worked with Intel's People and Practices Research Group, Motorola's
  • Perry Hoberman is an installation and media artist who works with a wide variety of materials and technologies, ranging from the utterly obsolete to the state-of-the-art, from low-tech to high-tech and nearly everything in between. His work has
  • It's hard to see a photograph physically fading, erasing itself with the bombardment of light but hold no doubts it is subtly becoming elusive like all we hold dear. I often find myself contemplating the fragility of the moment, and I believe this
  • Jack Holmer and the aesthetic of affect In search of technological Affective Poetics, the artist wanders the form, trying to visualize that which lacks connection, interaction and support. This happens in the Stratosphere, in Physical Mountains,