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  • David R. Burns takes an interdisciplinary approach to creating digital media art by combining 3D computer modeling and animation, digital video, sound design, and physical computing to push the boundaries of artistic expression. His creative work
  • Sarah Cook is a Canadian scholar, historian and curator in the field of New Media art, who is based in Newcastle upon Tyne. Cook is a Research Fellow at the University of Sunderland, where she works with the research institute CRUMB – Curatorial
  • Ursula Damm studied at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf, followed by postgraduate studies at the Academy of Media arts in Cologne. Early sculptures were models of space and time, developed in a bodily experience. In the 1990s installations were
  • Char Davies is internationally recognized for pioneering artworks using the technologies of virtual reality. Originally a painter, she transitioned to digital media in the late-80s, becoming a founding director of the 3-D software company Softimage.
  • FORMACIÓN Licenciado en Bellas Artes. Facultad Alonso Cano, Universidad de Granada. Beca Erasmus, Université Paris 8, París. Beca Séneca, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao. EXPOSICIONES INDIVIDUALES 2010 La imagen-velocidad. Espacio MeBaS,
  • Formed in 2000. Participants: Natalia Grekhova, Alexey Korzukhin, Olga Inozemtseva, Vladislav Bulatov Where Dogs Run is the name of an enthusiastic Russian artists’ collective from Yekaterinburg in the Urals, they use multimedia techniques for
  • The work of the Italian artist Pier Giorgio De Pinto thrives on the relationship between representation and concept in a constantly and suddenly changing image-based society in search of a new identity. Since the sixties, recent changes have been
  • The Amsterdam based artist couple Erwin Driessens (1963 Wessem) and Maria Verstappen (1964 Someren) have worked together since 1990. After their study at the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and the Rijksacademy Amsterdam, they jointly developed a
  • María Fernández is Associate Professor in the Department of History of Art and Visual Studies at Cornell University and currently serves as Director of Graduate Studies. She received her doctorate in art history from Columbia University in 1993. Her
  • Robert Hodgin (b. 1972, USA) established as an online archive for his projects in Flash, Processing and C++. He was a founding partner of the Barbarian Group. He has received numerous awards for his work and lectures internationally.