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  • ... in Objekte, mit denen er nach einer Kongruenz von Form und Inhalt sucht. Ausgangspunkt in seiner Arbeitsweise ist oft...
  • ...Sheldon Brown is Director of the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA) at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) where...
  • ...Richard Colson has taught digital media for many years in colleges and universities in the UK. He was Reader for Art and Digital Media Practice...
  • ... in Greece, Currents in New Mexico, the National Center for Contemporary Art (NCCA) in Russia, and most recently at La...
  • ... works with the research institute CRUMB – Curatorial Resource for Upstart Media Bliss, that she co-founded with Beryl Graham in 2000,...
  • ... film/video, photography, text art, book art, and performance. Formed in 1987, CAE's focus has been on the exploration of the...
  • ...Janet Cardiff was born in Brussels, Ontario in 1957. She began her formal art studies at Queen's University, where she earned her bachelor's...
  • ... exhibits with GV Art in London. A new static version of Magic Forest has been installed at the Wellcome Trust headquarters, London. ...
  • ... Hero Exhibition at Beit Hatfuzot 2016, Zion Square temporary Forest Installation 2016, Architecture & Animation at Vitrina gallery ...
  • ... curators, was simultaneously a web-zine, an open forum, and an experiment in communication as an art form in an...