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  • ... Oficina de la Junta de Castilla y León. Bruselas... Sala Unamuno. Salamanca. Museo de Bellas Artes de...
  • ... housing, and its manipulation by automated, global...
  • ... which partly replace man, conceptualising his creative... and human factors as a way of combining different...
  • ... Ehrlich-Speiser creates manifestations of the random.... and provocation. Seen this way, Ehrlich’s art is a form of...
  • ... joyful commitment to human values. She is also the... from the artists's homepage
  • ... from the Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado FAAP, São... the digital art platform Homeostasis Lab; that became a...
  • ... sculptures by using the manufacturing techniques for...
  • ... Exit Art (New York) and many other places. (source:... in plant aesthetics and ways that human aesthetic...
  • ... She has performed with Mantis, Scottish Ballet...
  • ... closely engaged with many aspects of contemporary...