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  • ... scientists on sound and data sonification projects. Among other...
  • ... most has changed the nature of how we imagine and create, and the... semi-living constructed species can and will appear. Rinaldo is focused... is arising. The availability of knowledge at the fingertips of most has... optical lenses. Instead, data-based algorithmic ways of knowing...
  • ... resources which he hopes can outflow sepasrately but along side... the overwhelming and perpetual data-laden analog science artifacts...
  • ... science in late 1980s. (...) We can say that the art of Fleischmann and... Strauss. In: Performing Data, 2011...
  • ... spaces in order to understand how they affect and reflect culture.... power, and what technology can teach people about themselves.... creative writing, Flanagan is known as a writer of electronic... playing video games, or saving data to the hard drive, Flanagan...
  • ... twice on the Today Show. CNN's Portrait of America featured... the future and the significance of computers and art. Csuri... Light and Magic, Pacific Data Images, Metro Light, Pixar, Rezn8,...
  • ... example, her films have been shown and won awards at the Venice... at the Venice Biennale, Zagreb, Cannes, The National Academy of... Lillian F. Schwartz is best known for her pioneering work in the use of computers... the philosophy of art, whereby data bases containing information as to...
  • ... 2010 exhibition 'Info Deco Data: Work in process', Graphic Design...
  • ... She curated and has shown work at SPRING/BREAK Independent... Where Surveillance Cannot Go?" was awarded highest global... and the Sounds, Image and Data Conference at...
  • ... the following year. However the true public debut of the... live mix video via apps that can run on a MacBook Pro. For a couple... Victor Acevedo is an artist best known for his digital work involving printmaking... combining it with photographic data is an opportunity to represent...