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  • ... Studies (FALE/UFMG) and PhD candidate in Arts (EBA/UFMG), the... | Currents New Media, at El Museo Cultural Santa Fé in Santa Fé, NM,...
  • ... the art center La Malmaison, in Cannes. This exhibition, built also in... art virtualize itself (as you can read in his book "Art in the... changes in art history, because of new medias : « with new medias of...
  • ... with awards from the Canada Council for the Arts; Illinois... and social issues. She often uses 'food' to create artistic...
  • ... years contained two significant buildings, significant not for... and physical landscape of my youth was saturated in the artefacts of... both simple cottages, but because one had been the home of Halley, the...
  • ... Life. She has exhibited across Canada, in the U.S. and in Europe. ...
  • ... against nuclear war and American international policies, Buchanan... She taught video workshops to youth and adults, and helped organize... portable video equipment. Her use of media evolved as new...
  • ... art closer to the public (or users). She sees the game as an...
  • ... In this way creativity can be shared, and is integral to the... interfaces includes the use of varying and multiple forms of...
  • ... include Annecy, Supernova, Cannes Lions, Bradford Animation... Taipei and Beijing Minsheng Museum. Awards include Annecy, Supernova,...
  • ... power, and what technology can teach people about themselves.... the line between the social uses of technology, and what these...