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  • ... Christopher Bauder (born 1973) started working in the field of interactive installation art after finishing his studies in the Digital Media Class at the Berlin University of the Arts. His projects focus on the translation of bits and bytes into objects and...
  • ... sound at Stanford University where he worked with former Brecht assistant Carl Weber as well as pioneers of digital synthesis John Chowning, Max Matthews and Chris Chafe at the Center for Research in Computer Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). He...
  • ... Art Festival Cracow, CMMR Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research Plymouth and Marseille, at Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center New York City, Museum of Contemporary Art Bogotá, MADATAC 07 Madrid, IK Stichting Vlissingen, Digitale...
  • ...Conor McGarrigle is an artist and researcher working at the intersection of digital networks and real space. Coming from a background in net art, his work is concerned with the ways that digital networks are entangled in all aspects of everyday life. This practice is...
  • ... the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art (1990-93), and Computer Science at University College London (1996). His work with digital media has focused on developing conjunctions of software-based visualisation and the data traces of social processes. He has...
  • Digital artist working with media & code
  • ...AKA the Digital Giraffe, with 46 years experience as a Digital Painter and Digital Sculptor. Editor, programmer, designer, author the Digital Giraffe eZine (, an award-winning monthly journal of art and culture now in its 30th year of web publication...
  • ...s a researcher in software design and development simulating natural realms. He works in the fields of behaviour, natural phenomena and digital modelling. His actually Senior Researcher at US R&D group of Sony Computer Entertainment and past positions includes work...
  • ... event series, USA. 2018-2023 Chair for the series of the international academic conferences with ID.Net, Oxford, UK: Digital Arts Videogame Cultures Cybercultures Digital Memories Editor of several volumes in the area of creative arts and new media...
  • ...She ist an artist and digital systems and media researcher. Aiming to get close to a symbiotic relationship beween human and artificial systems, her research focuses human-computer interfaces: she develops body-space integrating systems for intractive and VR (virtual...