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  • ...Caterina Davinio is an Italian computer artist, writer, and curator. Born in...
  • ...My particular expertise in the history of computer and digital art began in 2002...
  • ...Charles A. Csuri is an artist and computer graphics pioneer and Professor, at The...
  • ... forms of life, in various systems and territories, and in real...
  • ... with computational and media systems. His current research... in the areas of theater and computer-generated sound at Stanford...
  • ... as, for example, the BCI -Brain Computer Interface-, measuring brain...
  • ... and resist pervasive technical systems creating new understandings of...
  • ... and Fine Art (1990-93), and Computer Science at University College...
  • ... at US R&D group of Sony Computer Entertainment and past...
  • ... specializations including computer graphics and web design,...