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  • Dejan Atanacković has presented solo exhibitions, video and audio installations, interventions in public space, as well as curatorial projects, since 1994. His works were exhibited in personal and collective shows in Italy, Serbia, Canada, USA,
  • Joerg Auzinger’s art deals with the relationship between human, nature and the sociopolitical aspects of a technology-based communication society. Joerg Auzinger’s artistic work is situated between art, science and technology. In interactive
  • Giselle Beiguelman is a media artist and Professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Sao Paulo (FAU-USP). Her work include interventions in public spaces, networked projects and mobile art applications, exhibited
  • Philip Beesley is a professor in the School of Architecture at the University of Waterloo. A practitioner of architecture and digital media art, he was educated in visual art at Queen’s University, in technology at Humber College, and in
  • Dr Tracey M Benson is an Australian based interdisciplinary artist, UX designer, researcher and founder of Treecreate. She is passionate about more-than-human design and bridging the links between western ways of thinking with experiential and
  • Peter Beyls thinks of the universe as one giant generative system revealing systemic behavior on numerous levels: from the unpredictable dynamics exposed in social structures to emergent functionality in the human brain to molecular interaction in
  • Born in Adelaide, Australia in 1957, new media artist Simon Biggs emerged as one of a small number of Australian artists during the 1970’s who were experimenting with electronic and digital media. With initial influences from diverse sources, such
  • The medium of light transversing a space is the very property that makes space experiential, and therefore 'real'. Julius then might use optical elements such as mirrors and lenses, to add an-other dimension to these physical spaces. Drawing on
  • Joachim Blank, Mitbegründer von Internationale Stadt Berlin, war seit Beginn der 90er Jahre als Künstler, Initiator und Autor in grundlegende Projekte involviert, die den durch die Digitalisierung ausgelösten Paradigmenwechsel hinterfragten. Mit
  • Peter grew up around the world, studied math, and liked to build things. Using math to make pictures led him to computers, which led to trying to “get the darn things to generate pretty images easily”. Still striving for that goal, with a day job at