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  • ... including at the 2011 Venice Biennale, Fundació Miro Mallorca, Redline Gallery...
  • ...Martina Menegon (she/her - Italy, 1988) is a digital artist, curator, and educator based in Vienna. ...
  • ... in the Museum of Modern Art, the Gwangju biennale, the Venice Biennale, Documenta 6 and...
  • ... 1966 in Landau, West Germany. Since 1988 he has lived and worked in Berlin.
  • ... New York City, 1989; Queens Museum of Art 1988; White Columns, 1988; Museum Ludwig, Koln,...
  • ... Via Art Festival in France, WRO Media Art Biennale in Poland, Ars Electronica 2021: Garden...
  • ... New York City) and Paul Garrin (Gwangju Biennale exhibition and Prix Ars Electronica Award... active in the field of media art since 1988. His interdisciplinary artworks and writings...
  • ... Durban and Gwangju, at the 55th Venice Biennale (CAMP Festival - Prohelvetia - Salon...
  • ... in such venues as the Venice Architecture Biennale (Venice), Ars Electronica (Linz),...
  • ... 1995 she represented Austria at the 46th Biennale di Venezia.