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  • ... Her large scale installations and online artworks have, since the early 1990s, pioneered...
  • ... source:
  • ... of interactive devices, including artworks, installations, and sound projects....
  • ...Snow Yunxue Fu is a US-based Chinese-born New Media Artist, Curator, and Assistant Arts Professor in...
  • ... Garrin began working with video while studying fine arts at the Cooper Union School of Art in New...
  • ...Ideal Spaces is an art and research working group focused on the shaping of contemporary living spaces....
  • ...//////////fur//// develops art entertainment interfaces for multidimensional multiuser involvement:...
  • ... wave phenomena, are employed by the artists to investigate questions of perception and...
  • ... sciences, technology, communication and arts, working in partnership with major research...
  • ... work has focused on the overlap between art and genetics. His exhibits often involve...