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  • ... theory and practice, and her ongoing pioneering contributions to the field of digital art....
  • ... music and media at Phillips Universität. One year later he changed to the Städelschule in...
  • Robert Hodgin (b. 1972, USA) established as an online archive for his projects in Flash, Processing and C++. He was a founding partner of the Barbarian Group. He has received numerous awards for his work and lectures internationally.
  • ... web art, media art and poetics of visual. One of his studies is the Web Art in Brazil, which...
  • ... space for imagetic aprecitaion. He has done talks and presentations on the topics of...
  • ... studied printmaking at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design in Dundee. He creates...
  • In 1993, I was asked to do my first large commission for British Telecom at their HQ in the City of London. I was also invited to exhibit at Images du Futur in Montreal, where despite being a previously unknown, I was given the largest single
  • ... mind, they are mainly landscapes of lonely places, where I am the only person in the...
  • Noriyuki Fujimura is a Japanese Media Artist and architect exploring the field between interactive art and public space. Research Fellow, STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University.He has a BA in architecture (Tokyo National University
  • ... to Media Art. In 1997 he was commissioned to produce a Multi-Media Opera for the opening...