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  • ... acclaim for her novel interdisciplinary work, her commitment to both theory and practice, and her ongoing pioneering...
  • ...After highschool and community service in an institution for the mentally ill he went to Marburg to study art, music and media at Phillips...
  • ...Robert Hodgin (b. 1972, USA) established as an online archive for his projects in Flash, Processing and C++. He was a founding...
  • FÁBIO OLIVEIRA NUNES (or Fabio FON) is a Brazilian multimedia artist, digital designer and higher education professor, working among other areas in the studies of hypermidia, web art, media art and poetics of visual. One of his studies is the Web
  • ... official embassy for The Wrong New Digital Art Biennale That commissioned a series of workshops and an artistic residency in...
  • ... including Scottish psychiatrist R. D. Laing and English composer Cornelius Cardew.
  • ...In 1993, I was asked to do my first large commission for British Telecom at their HQ in the City of London. I was also invited to exhibit at...
  • ... in a furniture in my house. I work in traditional media and computers, creating acrylic paintings and computer generated images....
  • ... and Public Policy (Keio University). (
  • ... and technology. It ranges from New Music and Electro-Acoustic Composition to Media Art. In 1997 he was commissioned to produce a...