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  • ... art and experimental theater. In her work, performers...
  • ... in London. He explores the dimensions of the human body... institutions and labs (Museo Reina Sofia,...
  • ... School of Art and The Art Institute of Chicago. He... on the eminent Belgian label Sub-Rosa. He is currently...
  • ... Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Ireland and the...
  • ... [epidemiC] explores the phenomena arising from the... (both in collaboration with...
  • ... Ausstellungsreihe zum Thema der Verwandlung und...
  • ... internationally in the form of installations,... at the TV Laboratory, WNET, New York, the...
  • ... sculptures. Eckermann is the first recipient of the City...
  • ... manifestations of the random. Using arbitrary... uses the uncontrollable, the unexpected, chance and...
  • ... collaborative projects, the Emergency ArtLab (2000) and... produced two ongoing collaborative projects, the Emergency...