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  • Please follow the link on top to see the work of Fleischmann and Strauss
  • Hi, thanks for your interest in my work. I'm both a composer of experimental music and an internet artist. Please find below a list of my website-specific activities. For access to my musical works on Mille Plateaux, mappa etc. please visit my
  • Artist: Saehae ChungComment:
  • Artist: Theodorus ChiotidisComment:
  • ...Artist: (collective) Kairus Art+ResearchComment:
  • Artist: Jenny SelegeyComment:
  • Artist: Shira ServiceComment:
  • ... Gina Currently lives in Melbourne Australia where she is research fellow with the University of Melbourne and is working with the...
  • Alba D'Urbano is an artist from Italy. She studied philosophy and painting in Rome and studied visual communication in Berlin (Hochschule der Künste). Since 1995 she is professor of computer graphics at the “Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst” in
  • Ursula Damm studied at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf, followed by postgraduate studies at the Academy of Media arts in Cologne. Early sculptures were models of space and time, developed in a bodily experience. In the 1990s installations were