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  • ...Marcelina Wellmer is operating at the edge of video, installation and painting. The works are dealing with the relation of humans and technology and with the interference of information and media, crossing the border from analog to digital and vice versa. The...
  • ...Scott Snibbe is a pioneering digital artist and entrepreneur whose work includes apps, video, and interactive installations. His art is in the permanent collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), which in 2014 acquired his...
  • ... arising at the intersection of culture and technology, informed by traditions of practice in the arts including sculpture, video-art, installation and performance; and by theoretical research in enactive and embodied cognition, ethology, neurology,...
  • ... had training in new media and learned programming at the end of the 1980s, he was invited to make a piece of work for Video Positive '95 (an international video art festival in Liverpool). He worked at Ashworth maximum security hospital in Liverpool...
  • Lia
    ... installations and sound works. Her work plays with the aesthetic of digital images and algorithms, and her output includes video, screen-based installation, internet art, sound and live audio-visual performances. Lia has been a guest lecturer at a number...
  • ...vid R. Burns takes an interdisciplinary approach to creating digital media art by combining 3D computer modeling and animation, digital video, sound design, and physical computing to push the boundaries of artistic expression. His creative work explores visual music,...
  • ...Bill Viola has been instrumental in the establishment of video as a vital form of contemporary art, and in so doing has helped to greatly expand its scope in terms of technology, content, and historical reach. For 40 years he has created videotapes, architectural video...
  • ... numerous performance works, sound and computer installations and interactive electronic inventions. He has taught computer, video and audio art at Mills College, Wesleyan University, San Francisco State University and the New York State College of Ceramics,...
  • ... amplify the sounds and movements of living worms, indoor ecosystems that grow edible plants, a multi-channel interactive video sculpture for a science museum, and community-based, participatory video, social media and public web cam projects. Youngs...
  • ...Michael Bielicky participate presenting projects that experiment with navigation, video-communication, virtual reality and data visualization technologies, often developed in collaboration with ZKM Karlsruhe, Ars Electronica Linz, High Tech Center Berlin-Babelsberg...