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  • ... awards, including a NYFA Fellowship for Computer Arts, and his essays have been published in the Performance Art Journal and Leonardo.
  • ... the Aesthetic Edge. He has written extensively for publications including: MIT Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, the Leonardo Journal for the Arts & Sciences, LINK, ART LIES, Hyperallergic, and Cambridge University Press. He holds an MFA and PhD in...
  • ... others. His work has been discussed in journals including: Art Journal, Art Papers, Art News, Flash Art International, Leonardo, New Scientist, New Art Examiner, New York Times and numerous academic books on art and technology.
  • ... Francisco), among others. Salter’s projects have been written about most recently in the New York Times, ID Magazine and Leonardo magazine and received grants from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Daniel Langlois Foundation, the Creative Work Fund/San...
  • ... the International Advisory Committee of ISEA, and on the Advisory Board of The Digital Art Museum (DAM). She is also on the LEONARDO / ISAST's Editorial Board (since 1993) , Advisory Board (since 2003) and she currently is member of the Project Team and...
  • ... Arts Scoping Study, being a research assistant for the National Organisation of New Media Arts Database and administrating 2 Leonardo Education Forums (all in Australia), among others, that can be found in my CV and on my homepage. I have a transdisciplinary...
  • ... earned an Individual Artist Grant from the Ohio Arts Council, contributed writing to interdisciplinary publications such as Leonardo and the recent book, Robots and Art, and her work has been profiled in books such as, Art in Action, Nature, Creativity &...