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  • ... Columbia; Museo de Arte Contemporanea de Caracas, Venezuela; TRAMA Festival in Porto,...
  • ... with multimedia art Media Art....
  • ... will, for example, operate within a sonic cartography of the public and personal histories...
  • ...Artist: Carter HodgkinComment:
  • ...Artist: Claudia Jacques de Moraes CardosoComment:
  • ... On completion of this project I became a freelance installation engineer and designer...
  • ... (articulate, 2018) (Carpe Diem, 2011)
  • During the initial years of the development of my work, especially in series such as Parallel, Monochromatic, Conscious/ Unconscious and Technical Recreation I emphasized questions and scenarios based on memory, the relation between conscious and
  • ... alter ego (in 1996), his little «moya», a caricatural self-portrait, inspired by Pinocchio, in...
  • ... in robotics, as in Joan l’home de carn (1992); telematic control on the part of a...