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  • ... Amsterdam 2009 Workshop Conditional Drawings @ Paralelo:...
  • ... sphere, architectural context or an urban space. A work...
  • ...gnes Meyer-Brandis is an Artist who concentrates on the Interface of...
  • ... Parallel, Monochromatic, Conscious/ Unconscious and...
  • ... in Riga, Latvia and a Contributing Editor to...
  • ... 1923 and is an American conceptual/digital artist and New...
  • ... reflect upon the condition of art making after the...
  • Filmmaker, visual artist and curator, working with video, photography, installation and commissions for public spaces. Her work focuses on the relation of cinema and New Media with an emphasis on notions of identity, representation and (feminist)
  • ... with technology to push conceptual and aesthetic...
  • contact --- Ralf Schreiber Iltisstr. 73 50825 Köln / GERMANY --...