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  • ... subscribing the first manifesto. He is the co-founder...
  • ... Design and Manufacturing, and as Director...
  • ... about more-than-human design and bridging the links... links between western ways of thinking with...
  • ... University of Manitoba, Kanazawa International...
  • ... graphics pioneers Manfred Mohr and Vera Molnar,...
  • ... of the movement. Many of his internet and...
  • Artist/academic. She studied an MsC in information technology applied to arts at Chalmers University of Technology and a PhD in Digital arts and experimental media at University of Washington. She has published articles in journals such as Artnodes,
  • ... programs: Metrópolis, La Mandrágora, Antiestático,... Piksel festival in Norway since 2014. Under the Piksel...
  • ... based around the human, the physical, biological and... work has centred on ways of exploring and expressing...
  • ... Great North Museum, Newcastle. He regularly exhibits with... also went onto MOSI in Manchester. The last...