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  • ...Artist: Carmen WestermeierComment:
  • ...Maite Cajaraville combines her artistic career with curator commissions since 1993. She is a media and video artist and AV performer whose...
  • ... Over a period of almost 30 years, he has had a varied career that has seen him work in the arts, academia and commerce, and...
  • ...Janet Cardiff was born in Brussels, Ontario in 1957. She began her formal art studies at Queen's University, where she earned her bachelor's...
  • ... studied chemistry and painting at Warren Wilson College, North Carolina, then zoology and psychology at Durham University, before...
  • ... Andrés originally studied Mathematics in Argentina, carried out research in Computational Biology at the University of...
  • ... at Rome University La Sapienza, where she studied with Giulio Carlo Agan, Alberto Asor Rosa, and Walter Pedulla. In the 1990’s she...
  • ... Geoff Davis computer generative art is now in the Francisco Carolinum Museum, Linz, Austria; the Franke Foundation collection,...
  • ... and teaches at Davidson College outside of Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • ... collection of The 9/11 Memorial Museum and is a member of the Carter Burden Gallery in New York City. Her work was recently...