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  • ... She is interested in the hybrid areas of transition between art and science, reality and virtuality, fiction and nonfiction, simplicity and complexity, solitude and community, the individual and nature, art and life. She...
  • ... various conferences, online exhibitions, research projects together with Wendy Coones, and also published various books on virtual/immersive/media art, hosted by the Danube University Krems in conjunction with the international board members of the...
  • ...Computer scientist interested in data, artificial intelligence, interaction — in the exploration of plastic-sound virtualities through impulse and generative reinterpretation.
  • ... classes in software art, augmented reality, creative hacking, data forensics, object-oriented programming for artists, virtual architecture, artistic game-development, information visualisation, UNIX/Linux and open source development practices...
  • ... PhD within the European network TACK at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her work specializes in embodied and multisensory virtuality, exploring the intersection of architecture, scenography and extended reality (xR). Her performative xR installations have...
  • ... in the International Museum of Electrographic (MIDE), researching, among others: the concept of physical museum over the virtual museum, the evolution and development of semiotics in web space or writing texts from the research on new technological...
  • ... Lecturer in the Transmedia Art department at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, where she teaches "Digital Design and Virtuality". Additionally, she is Vice Director and Curator at the CIVA Festival for New Media Art and is the Head of Extended...
  • ... bring forth geological empathy and parietal aspects of perception, sparking inquiry into proposed divides between the virtual and real, imaginary and embodied vision. Sublime aesthetics and allegory mark the material outcomes of her work and...
  • ... visualize that which lacks connection, interaction and support. This happens in the Stratosphere, in Physical Mountains, in Virtual Worlds, and may be manifested phenomenologically in artificial intelligence beings, in digital spaces or in concrete robots....
  • ... of New Media Art. Born 1975, he studied Sculpture at the University "Mozarteum" Salzburg (Austria) with a special focus on Virtual Architecture and Cyberspace. He was lecturer at the University "Mozarteum" Salzburg and is currently head of the Class for...