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  • ... "art interfaces" and software applications that deal with the issues of power and control, property and territory in the virtual world. (source:
  • ... Video, and others. Currently, he is developing a series of sculptures, Istoria, which explore the intersection of the virtual and physical worlds, created with a variety of computer controlled processes, and several interactive environments that...
  • ...Watz is an artist based in New York and Oslo. He works extensively with generative design and code to explore the creative outputs of virtual spaces defined by rule-based systems and visual abstraction through generative systems. In 2005 Watz founded Generator.x, a...
  • ... PhD within the European network TACK at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her work specializes in embodied and multisensory virtuality, exploring the intersection of architecture, scenography and extended reality (xR). Her performative xR installations have...
  • ... and make use of analog techniques and encyclopaedic classification. In the 90's he work around digital media on net art and virtual reality using 3-D renderings. He had exhibited in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Haus Der Kunst,Munich, Germany,...
  • ... deployment of game structures or echoes of historical models, thematize fundamental aspects of perception and concepts of virtual reality. Two of her works are part of the collection of the ZKM-Media Museum....
  • ... he invented a multi-person, room-sized, high-resolution 3D video and audio environment in 1991named the CAVE-Automatic Virtual Enviroment . His work has been exhibited in Ars Electronica Center, International Society of Electronic Artists, The Total...
  • ... Life, AIIDE, PLoS ONE and participate in the editorial board of scholarly journals such as: Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Artificial Life, Computers in Entertainment and Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines.
  • ... Since 1997, I have investigated the process of “reverse engineering” by (re )translating the abstract aesthetic language of virtual reality and 3D computer modeling back into architectural environments by means of large scale light installations. In this body...
  • ... our perception of reality as well as the borders between the digital and the materal. He is best known for his work with the virtual reality performance art group Second Front, as half of NPTeam with his partner, Iranian Artist Negin Ehtesabian, and the...