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  • ... math to make pictures led him to computers, which led to trying to “get...
  • ...Richard Brown has a BSc in Computers & Cybernetics and an MA in Fine Art and...
  • ... Key arena in Seattle where 9 computers choreograph multiple video...
  • ... Initial development with computer research, hardware and...
  • ... work, and finally interactive computer-based projects; she received a...
  • ... media art by combining 3D computer modeling and animation,...
  • ... intelligence, dynamical systems, and developmental psychology.... Ed grew up playing with computer programming, with his first software title being...
  • ... slide projection using dissolve systems or video projection onto...
  • ... (Lisbon, PT), MAXXI (Rome, IT), Computer Art Congress (Paris, FR), Roma...
  • ... fiction. Paolo Cirio works with systems of distribution, organization,...