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  • ... the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich; founder-member of «Otherspace»; work in the field of installation and interactive virtual environments; lives and works in Berlin. source:
  • ... since 1977, integrating the time-based forms of video with practices of installation, computer imagery, print, animation, virtual reality and writing. A graduate of the Zurich University of Arts with a degree in art education (1979), he participated in...
  • ... deployment of game structures or echoes of historical models, thematize fundamental aspects of perception and concepts of virtual reality. Two of her works are part of the collection of the ZKM-Media Museum....
  • ... sound compositions and immersive audio experiences. A recent activity that illustrates this approach is “Sonic-Landscapes” a virtual audio reality system produced in collaboration with Lake Technology (Sydney) capable of tracking a participant through a sonic...
  • ... of the National Science Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia. Hertz continues to create collaborative intermedia works. The virtual reality installation, “Fools Paradise,” created in collaboration with composer Stephen Dembski, toured international venues...
  • ... visualize that which lacks connection, interaction and support. This happens in the Stratosphere, in Physical Mountains, in Virtual Worlds, and may be manifested phenomenologically in artificial intelligence beings, in digital spaces or in concrete robots....
  • ... Participatory Art, Music, and Architecture (Riverside Press, 2018). Mark-David’s work explores the boundaries between the virtual and the physical world. His practice is varied, spanning from performance (music and theatre) to public and gallery-based art....
  • ... media and architecture. Huang's research "Internet and Architecture" explores the vision of bringing the physical and virtual environments together. He investigates the possibility of combining physical architecture and information structures to...
  • ... appearance, the living and the artificial, and the human and the model. In collaboration with Louis Fléri she has produced virtual reality installations in which the viewer can interact with virtual characters.
  • ... Cruz Mountains in 2005. In performances and photographic series that seek out the intersections between physical and virtual space, Isabelle often draws upon such "low tech" sources as the public or private webcam, and her ongoing compulsive...