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  • ...Michael Naimark is a media artist and researcher who often...
  • ... (1968/69); assistant professor computer... (since 1972); considered one of the poineers of...
  • ...Alok b. Nandi, media author/artist, is active in "new media"...
  • ... his projects his artistic training as a painter... including "The Shredder" (1998), an alternative...
  • ...duli is a Los Angeles-based artist and Principal of Narduli... Germany and Moderne Arkitektur I Los...
  • ...American digital artist. His work has been exhibited at a... the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and the...
  • ... engineers and artists. I think a lot about...
  • ... and image resistance. Through his version...
  • ... post-conceptual artist, theorist and writer who... co-director and founder of the Saas-Fee Summer...
  • ... Bogen bis zu seiner Wiedergeburt in den neuen... einen Raum“ zu sehen ist. Das Thema ist eine... Statement Seit Mitte der 90er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts...