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  • ... Bonn, and the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT have both studied elements of Popp’s work which made...
  • ... Interaction and Physical Computing (e.g. Physical Computing Labors). These research interests are also main components of his... Rheiner was trained as an electrician and studied new medias at Zurich’s Hochschule fuer Gestaltung und Kunst ( University...
  • ... are often used, they are seldom visible. Mirrors and the mediated perception of the self are central themes in his work. Rozin...
  • ... Inter-nacional de Artistas (Medellín, Colombia), in MediaLab-Prado (Madrid), in the University of Salford MediaCityUK and in Mutek... the Salón Inter-nacional de Artistas (Medellín, Colombia), in MediaLab-Prado (Madrid), in the University of Salford MediaCityUK and in...
  • ... she was a Visiting Scholar at the Human Interface Technology Laboratory (Hitlab) in Seattle. In the nineties, after the completion... and a narrative of seven to twelve pages. Web Books are multimedia works with static and animated text, animated gifs, VRML...
  • ... She has taught and lectured at a variety of universities and labs including the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Mitsubishi... of touch. Recent projects include the Digital Agora, a multimedia textile space for the Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies in...