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  • ... as the obvious attribute of digital media (Manovich, 2006), from the Fleischmann and...
  • ... in special editing techniques in Media and Arts & Entertainment. She has been...
  • ... environmental sculpture works and new media projects. His practice is actively...
  • ... changes in art history, because of new medias : « with new medias of ubiquity, like...
  • ... in Vienna and Amsterdam. Her artefacts mediate between art and science, fashion and...
  • ... Board of the Program MediaAC, Department for Image Science (Danube...
  • ... for the Arts, The LEF Foundation, MediaThe Foundation, and the Eugene McDermott...
  • ... an artist working with technology, and mediated between artists and programmers.
  • ... of Multimedia Art and Applied research of Mediartech (Digital Renaissance). Mediartech is a...
  • ...Djehan Kidd is a Mediated Reality artist behind, among others, hangars liquides VR, the largest and...