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  • ... Djehan received an international education, she went to highschool in Sao Paulo and at...
  • Ca. 1980, Brooklyn-based artist John Klima attempted to code a 3D maze on a TRS-80 with 4k RAM and failed miserably, but has been obsessed with 3D graphics ever since. Contracting for companies such as Microsoft, Turner Broadcasting, and Dun &
  • Roman Kirschner Born 1975 in Vienna, Austria 93-98 studies at the University of Vienna: philosophy, art history 99-04 studies at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Germany 01-04 cofounder and member of the artist collective fur. 05 research
  • ... by esthetic propositions." excerpt from the catalogue “Windows”, Musée Marc Chagall, Nice, 2008
  • ... Honorary Mention in the Interactive Arts category.
  • ... created numerous art works which could be categorized as communication aesthetics,...
  • Rudi Knoops is a PhD researcher at KU Leuven / LUCA School of Arts and is affiliated with the Inter-Actions research group at the Media, Arts and Design faculty (MAD-faculty) in Genk, Belgium. His practice-based PhD in audiovisual arts – for which
  • ... with so called intelligent agent, applications which can conglomerate diaphanous...
  • Aaron Koblin, creator of the interactive version of House of Cards, on display in the exhibition, is an artist specialising in data visualisation. Koblin’s work has been shown at international festivals including Ars Electronica, SIGGRAPH, OFFF, the
  • ... at University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo.