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  • Conor McGarrigle is an artist and researcher working at the intersection of digital networks and real space. Coming from a background in net art, his work is concerned with the ways that digital networks are entangled in all aspects of everyday
  • Sameh Al Tawil سامح الطويل Egyptian-German new media artist was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1978. has gained international recognition for his digital art works on contemporary politics and culture in/ of the Middle East. He holds a BA from the
  • Karl Salzmann (*1979 in Bludenz) is a sound and media artist currently based in Vienna. In his artistic practice he uses sound and noise and combines them in performance, conceptual and installation art. His work is characterized by the visual
  • Susan Collins (b. 1964 London) is one of the UK's leading artists working with digital media. For the past decade the collision between the real and the artificial or virtual has been a key area of investigation. Collins works across public, gallery
  • Professor Eleanor Gates-Stuart’s professional practice extends a variety of experience, particularly in research and teaching leadership, relating to the sciences, technology, communication and arts, working in partnership with major research
  • JoAnn (Jody) Gillerman, co-founder of Viper Vertex Interactive is a California-based media artist, videographer and educator producing interactive multimedia exhibits, installations, CD-ROMs, internet Web sites, and video. Ms. Gillerman is professor
  • Bruce Wands is an artist, writer and musician. He has lectured, performed, and exhibited his creative work internationally, including Europe, Japan, Hong Kong and Beijing, China. Time Out New York named Bruce as one of the “99 People to Watch in
  • Andreas Zingerle is a media artist, designer, lecturer and researcher from Austria. He received his PhD from the University of Art and Design Linz (Austria) researching topics such as Internet crime, fraud and scam, vigilante counter-movements and
  • Jürgen Trautwein is a German born interdisciplinary artist working in a variety of forms, including new media and hypertext web-works, performative temporary interferences, installations, land-art, sound art, animation and classical forms such as
  • „Die einzige Konstante – ist die Transformation“ ADA – ARTISTIC DYNAMIC ASSOCIATION ada is … Der Raum ist kein unbeschriebenes Blatt, er besitzt eingeschriebene Geschichte. Kein redundanter White Cube, eine Art Kunst-Club, ein Wohnzimmer im Draußen,