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  • Masaki Fujihata is one of the pioneers of Japanese new media art, beginning his career working in video and digital imaging in the early 80s. As an early practitioner of the application of new technologies to the process of artmaking, he was one of
  • Known for her theories on playculture, activist design, and critical play, Mary Flanagan has achieved international acclaim for her novel interdisciplinary work, her commitment to both theory and practice, and her ongoing pioneering contributions to
  • Mark-David Hosale is a computational artist and composer. He is an Associate Professor in Computational Arts in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance, and Design, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has given lectures and taught internationally at
  • Japan's leading electronic composer Ryoji Ikeda focuses on the minutiae of ultrasonics, frequencies and the essential characteristics of sound itself. His work exploits sound's physical property, its causality with human perception and mathematical
  • Helen Varley Jamieson is a writer, theatre practitioner and digital artist from New Zealand, based in Germany. She holds a Master of Arts (Research) investigating cyberformance - live performance on the internet – which she has practiced since 1999.
  • Tiia Johannson was a media artist, educator and researcher based in Tallinn, Estonia. Her background was in fine arts and moving image, since1990 she has mostly been working on numerous media art projects on video, multimedia and Information Society
  • Carlos Katastrofsky a.k.a Michael Kargl (Vienna, Austria) is artist and teacher in the realm of New Media Art. Born 1975, he studied Sculpture at the University "Mozarteum" Salzburg (Austria) with a special focus on Virtual Architecture and
  • Rudi Knoops is a PhD researcher at KU Leuven / LUCA School of Arts and is affiliated with the Inter-Actions research group at the Media, Arts and Design faculty (MAD-faculty) in Genk, Belgium. His practice-based PhD in audiovisual arts – for which
  • Djehan Kidd is an "immersive" artist & pionneer of the metaverse, she is based in France and Venice in Italy. She creates the largest and longest running futuristic city in the metaverse since 2007 as part of the mission of the cultural non profit
  • Deeply rooted in art, music, mathematics and technology, Lin Hsin Hsin has composed and realized digital music without sound card and midi instruments since 1985. She has created the first virtual art museum in the world, 1994, designed the 50th