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  • ... a painter, she transitioned to digital media in the late-80s, becoming a founding...
  • ...Marikki Hakola is a media artist, director, producer, reseacher. Hakola studied at the Finnish Academy...
  • ...Tamiko Thiel is a media artist interested in the interplay of place, space, the body and cultural...
  • ... in the manipulation of digital media and its relationship with the human body,...
  • ...Perry Hoberman is an installation and media artist who works with a wide variety of materials and...
  • ...Alok b. Nandi, media author/artist, is active in "new media" since 1994. He is working on cross-media...
  • ...Ethan Bach is internationally known for his media art which is primarily in immersive and interactive...
  • ...Neal White works across media, and in no particular medium at all – creating projects with the Office...
  • ...Tiia Johannson was a media artist, educator and researcher based in Tallinn, Estonia. Her background...
  • ...Born in the Japanese city of Fukuoka, media artist Naoko Tosa was awarded a PhD for Art and Technology...