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  • ... had little idea what this meant, but somehow she felt closer to understanding why she was... and separated from reality, and wanted to make more of an impact on her society. She...
  • ... probabilities. Her installations not only make us think but also provide us with sensorial...
  • ... and Matthew Fuller, he investigates how body theory can inform the design of combined... Weave, Create Digital Music, We Make Money Not Art and Digicult.
  • ... and generous, in love with popular shows like carnival or circus, as well as the... visual and digital artist, Patrick Moya make an art mediterranean, funny, baroque,...
  • ... has been interviewed twice on the Today Show. CNN's Portrait of America featured him on a... Davis used Csuri's work as a means to make an important commentary about the future and...
  • ... California the following year. However the true public debut of the Ectoplasmic... his current roles as a visual music video maker and live real-time visualist (VJ) over 35...
  • ... of an access to these materials makes receptive experience of these works with its...
  • ... specialization of the work market. It makes reference, rather, to the classical concept...
  • ... This idea evolved into the project “WHAT MAKES YOU/YOU?” which started in 2013 and is still...
  • ... Media and Performance (pub. 2018), showcases exciting approaches and artists wearables,... and emerging media curating. Maker of participatory performance and immersive...