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  • Artist: Sandra BeckerComment:
  • ... Benayoun calls architecture of communication, another way to explore the limits of...
  • ... and questions related to the intricate relationship between model and copy; and...
  • Borda is a practising media artist and curator with over a decade of experience in lecturing about photography and Western art histories. She is also considered a Canadian pioneer in leading media innovation through the adaptation and re-use of
  • Artist and website designer
  • escritor y comisario crítico de arte volcado en la difusión y promoción del arte público y las artes digitales writer and art critic consultant devoted to spreading and promotion of public and digital art
  • ...Artist: Jon CatesComment:
  • Artist: Sarawut ChutiwongpetiComment:
  • ... her internet platform, xR Atlas, she advocates for an interdisciplinary historiography of...
  • Nancy Mauro-Flude is a mother, digital caretaker, and faerie circuit researcher whose commitment to holistic computing arts advances expanded forms of literacy around digital customs, codesign and somatic investigation at scale. She is founder of