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  • Seiko Mikami passed away of cancer in January 2015. She was an interactive media artist that has been working in the realms of information systems and human sensing. Showing large-scale installations since the 80's she used sound, robotics and
  • Sameh Al Tawil سامح الطويل Egyptian-German new media artist was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1978. has gained international recognition for his digital art works on contemporary politics and culture in/ of the Middle East. He holds a BA from the
  • Dr Fahrudin Nuno Salihbegovic is a theatre director, visual/sonic artist, interaction designer, and lecturer, specialising in multimedia theatre and interactive digital arts. His work, including theatre productions, digital scenographies, and
  • Japan's leading electronic composer Ryoji Ikeda focuses on the minutiae of ultrasonics, frequencies and the essential characteristics of sound itself. His work exploits sound's physical property, its causality with human perception and mathematical
  • Ruth Schnell is an Austrian media artist, professor for media arts and curator. She has been working with computer-aided tools since the mid-1980s. Her artistic research focusses on examining the perception of images/sound/language in connection
  • Rudi Knoops is a PhD researcher at KU Leuven / LUCA School of Arts and is affiliated with the Inter-Actions research group at the Media, Arts and Design faculty (MAD-faculty) in Genk, Belgium. His practice-based PhD in audiovisual arts – for which
  • Roman Kirschner Born 1975 in Vienna, Austria 93-98 studies at the University of Vienna: philosophy, art history 99-04 studies at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Germany 01-04 cofounder and member of the artist collective fur. 05 research
  • Roc Parés Burguès (Mexico, 1968. Lives and works in Catalonia since 1983). Professional profile • Researcher of the Interactive Communication Group of DigiDoc, UPF. • Professor of Interactive Communication and Media Arts:
  • Roberto Lopez-Gulliver is a Mexican Media artist and researcher. Received his BSc degree in Mathematics form the Autonomous University of Guadalajara with honors for his thesis work titled: "Bounded Variation Functions: Differenciation and
  • Robert Lazzarini is an American artist who lives and works in New York. Primarily a sculptor, Robert is best known for making common objects that have been subjected to compound distortions which have the effect of confusing visual and haptic