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  • ... systems, her research focuses human-computer interfaces: she develops body-space integrating systems for intractive and VR (virtual reality) environments.
  • ... and minimal. Her work is situated in the field of ‘mixed reality’, operating on the borderline between the real and the virtual. In her installations, large-scale video projections reshape the architecture of the space and create illusionary effects over...
  • ...Djehan Kidd is a Mediated Reality artist behind, among others, hangars liquides VR, the largest and longest running virtual futurist dystopian VR city on the metaverse, since 2007. Augmented Reality works selected for the the 55th Venice Biennale. Plans for future...
  • ... Since 1997, I have investigated the process of “reverse engineering” by (re )translating the abstract aesthetic language of virtual reality and 3D computer modeling back into architectural environments by means of large scale light installations. In this body...
  • ...F.A.B.R.I.CATORS is a digital media company specializing in: Interactive Technology, Virtual Reality, Interactive Media, Networking, Robotics, Digital Media and Integrated Media. The company operates in the fields of: Art, Design, Architecture, Edu-Entertainment,...
  • ... designer and Project Co-ordinator of a new Interactive art centre in Cordoba, Spain called CICOV (Centro Interactivo Cordoba Virtual).
  • ... Goldin and Jakob Senneby; exploring juridical, financial and spatial constructs through notions of the performative and the virtual. Their collaboration started with The Port (2004-06); acting in an emerging public sphere constructed through digital code....
  • ... psychology but also the latest new media. Nicholls calls these kinds of works 'Immersive Art', a term normally used only in Virtual Reality. Nicholls sees this concept as being much wider and a natural extension of Installation art for our times. The term...
  • ... deployment of game structures or echoes of historical models, thematize fundamental aspects of perception and concepts of virtual reality. Two of her works are part of the collection of the ZKM-Media Museum....
  • ... Hsin has composed and realized digital music without sound card and midi instruments since 1985. She has created the first virtual art museum in the world, 1994, designed the 50th Anniversary United Nation Commemorative Coins, 1995. Lin, a strong proponent...