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  • ...Blast Theory is renowned internationally as one of the most adventurous artists' groups using interactive media. Lead by Matt Adams, Ju Row Farr and Nick Tandavanitj the group has a team of seven and is based in London. The group's work explores interactivity and the...
  • ...e Mitchell is a Professor at Bowling Green State University in Digital Arts, in Ohio, USA. Her creative scholarship includes electronic interactive installation, experimental animation, environmental data visualization, net-art and cross-disciplinary collaboration. ...
  • ...Brenda Laurel is a designer, researcher and writer. Her work focuses on interactive narrative, human-computer interaction, and cultural aspects of technology. Her career in human-computer interaction spans over twenty-five years. She holds an M.F.A. and Ph.D. in...
  • ... explore the invention of new forms of narrative and the relationship between visual art and music. He will be exhibiting an interactive music installation and digital print in the SIGGRAPH 2003 Art Gallery. Bruce was the first musician to perform live over...
  • ...Camille Baker is an artist-performer/researcher/curator within various art forms: immersive experiences, participatory performance and interactive art, mobile media art, tech fashion/soft circuits/DIY electronics, responsive interfaces and environments, and emerging...
  • ...Camille Utterback is a pioneering artist and programmer in the field of interactive installation. Her work has been exhibited at galleries, festivals, and museums internationally including The New Museum of Contemporary Art, The American Museum of the Moving Image, New...
  • ... and virtual place, achieving in art a strange oscillation between spaces. Yet, I work with animations, net-artworks, interactive and site-specific video-installations and AR / VR video-sculptures, sometimes made of Carrara marble, fresco technique,...
  • ...Christopher Hales studied PhD research on Interactive Film Art at the RCA Film and TV Department, and taught as Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Art of the University of the West of England [Bristol] until 2001. His interactive films and CD-ROMs have been shown to...
  • ... 1994 at the Center for Art and Media ZKM Karlsruhe with multimedia projects for Frankfurt Ballett and Goethe Institute. His interactive installations, multimedia performances and scenographic works are now presented at festivals internationally. He is...
  • ... Christopher Bauder (born 1973) started working in the field of interactive installation art after finishing his studies in the Digital Media Class at the Berlin University of the Arts. His projects focus on the translation of bits and bytes into objects and...