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  • ... of the Whitney Museum of American Art; has received multiple grants... metaphors of the experts who know the domains best. Brad did his... engaging expressions of complex data. His visual representations are...
  • ... noise, remix, glitch and data bending. His work, mainly...
  • ... enquiry whose goal is knowledge, and never just decoration....
  • ... and Performance (pub. 2018), showcases exciting approaches and artists... and patients of Breast Cancer. In September 2022 Baker...
  • ... Japan, Switzerland, Mexico and Canada
  • ... have been supported by the Canada Council for the Arts; AT&T...
  • ... twice on the Today Show. CNN's Portrait of America featured... the future and the significance of computers and art. Csuri... Light and Magic, Pacific Data Images, Metro Light, Pixar, Rezn8,...
  • ... films and CD-ROMs have been shown to date at film/ new media... in Japan, Germany, Holland, Canada, Denmark, London and South...
  • ... and Researcher for „Inside Knowledge Movement“ at the Amsterdam...
  • ... of digital synthesis John Chowning, Max Matthews and Chris Chafe at... designer based in Montreal, Canada and Berlin, Germany. His...