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  • ... systems in motion and at rest. Equally embracing the qualitative human perception and the quantitative rules that define digital culture, organic form emerges from precise mechanical structures. REAS is a professor at the University of California, Los...
  • ...Jaroslav Vančát, Ph.D. New media artist – multimedia art, digital art, computer art, interactive art, visual structuralism, conceptual art, video art Associate Professor at universities in the Czech Republic, new media, visual arts and creativity theorist, semiotics...
  • ... Embrace: visionary theories of art, technology and consciousness, New Media in the Late 20th-Century, Video Art, and Digital Art. (source:
  • ... Simon Biggs emerged as one of a small number of Australian artists during the 1970’s who were experimenting with electronic and digital media. With initial influences from diverse sources, such as his father’s work as a first generation computer scientist, 1960’s...
  • ... (2003, 2002, 2001), ARTnews (2001) and many other publications. It is also included in Thames & Hudson's 'World of Art - Digital Art' book (2003) by Christiane Paul. In addition to creating her own artwork, Utterback develops long term and permanent...
  • ... Architecture. His research work emphasizes methodological development in the integration of hardware, software and digital fabrication with the goal of creating eversive works that blur the divide between the virtual and the real. He is also...
  • ... Karlsruhe (1991-2002), where he conceived and ran a seminal artistic research program that included the ArtIntAct series of digital publications, the MultiMediale series of international media art exhibitions, and invented new creative platforms such as the...
  • ... work were subject of several solo exhibitions. From the eighties she becames interested and moves progressively towards the digital image. Since 2000 she is conducting research in the field of experimental film, based on two axes: the moving image -the...
  • ... satellite and space exploration, wilderness exploration, hiking and mapping, as well as the majority of the more 'usual' digital art practices including coding, video and sound production. The majority of my work is realised in the form of installation,...
  • ... - Thirteen story settings in Bolzano public space', Lungomare Gallery, Bolzano, Italy 2008 exhibition 'Deep Screen, Art in Digital Culture', Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 2008 exhibition 'Macht van het medium', toekenningen 036, Fonds BKVB 2007 exhibition...